Why we bake sourdough bread in-house, every day.

fresh sourdough bread alicante

Not saying that it’s for the smells... but we cannot deny that there is something truly magical in the aroma of freshly baked bread that fills our kitchen every day. But why is sourdough bread so special?

Sourdough not only offers a unique flavor, but also provides several health benefits. In this blog, we'll take you on a journey through the process of making a loaf of sourdough bread and explore the wonderful health benefits it brings to the table.

best sourdough alicante

What exactly is sourdough starter?

Maybe you tried to start a sourdough during quarantine a few years ago and discovered that it's not as easy as you think to keep them healthy. But what is sourdough?

It's a live culture of wild yeast and good bacteria that give sourdough its distinctive flavor and texture. Creating a sourdough involves simply combining flour and water, and patiently letting it ferment and rise for several days. Wild yeasts naturally present in the flour begin to ferment, producing carbon dioxide and lactic acid, resulting in the characteristic rise and flavor of sourdough bread.

At Sip & Wonder, we've been working with the same sourdough for over a year. We have lovingly named her "Lola" and we 'feed' her every day at 8:00 am, sometimes twice a day!

Lola is truly a living, breathing creature, growing faster or slower depending on the weather and humidity of the day here in Alicante. Sure, it's a meticulous process to keep a sourdough starter active in a kitchen that's open 7 days a week, but we've found the results are worth it.

best sourdough bread alicante

Turning flour, water & starter into bread

Sourdough requires a lot of time and attention. And above all, patience. The bread-making process typically involves these steps:

1. Mix: Combine flour and water for autolyse, then add sourdough and salt. Knead the dough until it becomes elastic and smooth.

2. Bulk fermentation: Let the dough rest and ferment for several hours. Ours ferments for 2.5 to 3.5 hours at room temperature, while we continue to stretch and fold the dough every 30 minutes.

3. Shape: Shape the dough into a loaf or any desired shape. At Sip we make brioche buns, English muffins and our classic sourdough bread. The recipes are slightly different but they all follow the same basic process!

4. Proofing: Let the shaped dough rise again, allowing it to develop its airy texture and expand in size. At this point, we leave the bread in the fridge all night.

5. Bake: Slice and bake the pastry until golden brown, using just the right amount of moisture and dry heat for a crispy crust and airy center.

best sandwich alicante

Okay, but what are the health benefits?

Aside from its delicious and complex flavor, sourdough bread offers several health benefits, making it a popular choice among bread enthusiasts. Here are some prominent advantages:

1. Better digestibility: the long fermentation process of sourdough breaks down complex carbohydrates and gluten, making it easier to digest. People with mild gluten sensitivities often find sourdough more tolerable than regular bread.

2. Higher nutrient absorption – The fermentation process also increases the bioavailability of nutrients, allowing your body to absorb them more effectively. This includes essential minerals like iron, zinc, and magnesium.

3. Lower Glycemic Index – Sourdough bread has a lower glycemic index compared to bread made with commercial yeast. This means that it causes a slower rise in blood sugar levels, providing sustained energy and helping to control blood sugar levels.

4. Prebiotic and Probiotic Properties: Sourdough bread contains prebiotic fibers that promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. Additionally, the natural fermentation process produces lactic acid bacteria, which provide probiotics that support gut health.

5. Higher mineral content: fermentation of sourdough increases the bioavailability of minerals in bread, such as calcium, iron, and zinc. These minerals play essential roles in various bodily functions, including bone health and immune support.

So, is making sourdough bread in-house worth it?

At Sip & Wonder we always want to serve you the best meal possible and we consider our sourdough bread an integral part of achieving that goal. If you haven't tried it yet, stop by and give it a try! We'd love to have you here for coffee and lunch.

Cheers, from the heart of Alicante.



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